Achievement Relocked

By Asar

Achievement Relocked - Geoffrey Engelstein

I really enjoyed 'Achievement Relocked' by Geoffrey Engelstein. The book is concise, making it a quick and engaging read. It focuses on a single psychological topic and does an excellent job of providing clear examples. Engelstein explains concepts using some generic examples and then delves into how these concepts are applied in both board games and video games. This approach made the material easy to follow, and by the end, I felt equipped with new tools for future game design.

My favourite part of the book was the final chapter, "Putting It All Together". In this section, Engelstein synthesises everything covered in previous chapters and illustrates these concepts through the journey of game designer Uwe Rosenberg. He shows how Rosenberg's approach to game design evolved from Agricola to A Feast for Odin, highlighting different aspects of loss aversion. Seeing these principles applied across a designer's career was truly enlightening.

One area for improvement could be the addition of hands-on exercises at the end of each chapter. These could help solidify the learning by challenging readers to design mechanics that incorporate the discussed concepts. Despite this, I would highly recommend 'Achievement Relocked' to both aspiring board game and video game designers. It presents complex ideas in a digestible format and offers insights that are valuable not only in game design but also in understanding emotional responses in everyday life. This book has also enhanced my perspective when playing and observing games, making it a must-read for anyone interested in game design.